Australian Gold and Copper在Cargelligo金多金属项目的第二个高优先目标开始钻探

Australian Gold and Copper ASX AGC drilling Cargelligo polymetallic project Achilles 3
Australian Gold and Copper计划在新南威尔士州的Achilles 3金基金属目标基地钻7个1200米的洞。

新上市的勘探公司Australian Gold and Copper (ASX: AGC)在位于新南威尔士世界级Lachlan Fold Belt Cargelligo项目内的Achilles 3黄金和基本金属目标开始反向流通活动。


Achilles 3号、Achilles 2号和Mount Boorithumble的优先目标位于Cobar盆地南部,与Peak和Hera金多金属矿有发现前的相似之处。

他们是最近由Aurelia Metals (ASX: AMI)持有的联邦发现。

Australian Gold and Copper的近期计划是通过反向循环钻探所有七个近地表金和铜目标,以尽可能快的速度移动钻机。



Cargelligo项目位于Lake Cargelligo以西15公里处,勘探许可证覆盖227平方公里。



该项目的Achilles趋势覆盖了15公里的有利地质,包括Achilles 2、Achilles 3和Mount Boorithumble网格前景。


Australian Gold and Copper在这三个勘探区都发现了多个先进的cobar风格、金-铜-锌-铅勘探区。

By Imelda Cotton

Imelda Cotton has over 20 years experience as a journalist and communications professional. She has spent the bulk of her career in the resources sector, having also worked directly with oil and gas majors and as a journalist covering a vast array of ASX listed companies within the resources, energy, science and health sectors.

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