AVZ Minerals为Manono项目签署首个锡采购协议

AVZ Minerals ASX Kalon Resources tin offtake agreement Manono Noble Group
With the escalating tin price, AVZ managing director Nigel Ferguson said the deal with Kalon is “significant”.

刚果民主共和国新兴生产商AVZ Minerals (ASX: AVZ)已获得一份为期三年的协议,将Manono锂锡项目每年600公吨的锡精矿出售给工业金属交易商Kalon Resources。


根据承购协议的条款,AVZ将向Kalon供应600公吨精矿,锡含量最低为55%,锡品位预计在60 – 70%之间。



AVZ公司董事总经理Nigel Ferguson表示,就在新协议签署几周后,AVZ公司签署了第二份锂采购协议,该协议为Manolo超过50%的可售SC6锂产品提供了具有约束力的承诺。



Kalon是总部位于香港的大宗商品交易商Noble Group Holdings的全资子公司,专注于工业矿物和金属(如锡、钨、铌、钽、氧化铝和铝)以及特殊矿石(如铬、锰和铁矿石)的实物交易和供应链管理。


By Imelda Cotton

Imelda Cotton has over 20 years experience as a journalist and communications professional. She has spent the bulk of her career in the resources sector, having also worked directly with oil and gas majors and as a journalist covering a vast array of ASX listed companies within the resources, energy, science and health sectors.

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