Middle Island Resources在砂岩中发现富矿带金矿,首次更新资源

Middle Island Resources Sandstone gold project Two Mile Hill ASX MDI
Middle Island Resources在Sandston的McClaren项目中从4米矿深采到金品味90.6克/吨的黄金

Middle Island Resources(ASX: MDI)的Sandstone黄金项目本周已被证明是一个福音,该公司公开了截拦到富矿金50万盎司的资源。

该项目的McClaren prospect进行的反循环钻探测试显示,在见矿4米,发现金品味90.6克/吨的黄金和见矿8米,金品味3.35克/吨的黄金。


Middle Island总经理Rick Yeates说,金品味90.6克/吨的黄金富矿拦截是McClaren钻井的“令人兴奋”的早期成果。




与此同时,Two Mile Hill矿床的加密和延伸钻探也取得了较好的效果,分别在矿深16米获得金品味1.64克/吨的黄金,在4米深获得8.04克/吨的黄金,还有在3米深获得7.81克/吨的黄金。

Yeates先生表示,他对Two Mile Hill的结果“同样感到鼓舞”,这可能会增加现有的资源。

Two Mile HIll金矿

除了首次进行积极的早期测试外,Middle Island在今天上午还发现了50万盎司黄金资源,其中包括在英云闪长岩的48万盎司的黄金,以及在条带状含铁2万盎司的黄金。



By Lorna Nicholas

Lorna has more than 15 years' experience as a business/finance journalist and editor. She has written for numerous industry publications reporting on various sectors, including: resources, energy, construction, biotech, pharma, science and technology, agriculture, and chemicals. Specialising in resources, Lorna has also covered a myriad of small and large cap ASX and dual-listed stocks.

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