Recharge Metals 确定了 Brandy Hill South 钻探中的镍钴区

Recharge Metals ASX REC copper sulphides maiden drilling Brandy Hill South project
Recharge Metals正在进行的三个钻探孔在可见的铜矿化过程中终止。

初级勘探公司 Recharge Metals (ASX: REC) 在西澳大利亚的 Brandy Hill South 项目的钻探中发现了广泛的镍带。




BHRCD019孔在92m处镍含量为0.25%时返回10m; 和57m,0.25%镍从109m。

从两个孔中拦截到的其他明显的矿化物是6m,含0.31%铜,从141m; 每吨银1.3克的119m从257m起,包括13g/t银1m; 10m含0.41%铜171mm,包括1.2m含1.72%铜; 和234m的1.5g/t银从159m,包括1.2m的18g/t银。

鉴于在这些孔中发现的显着镍结果,Recharge 对以前的逆循环孔进行了审查,并确定了类似的镍矿化。

审查返回了62m的亮点,镍含量为0.29%,而40m为1m,镍含量为1.31%; 8m在0.44%镍从56m; 34m用0.45%镍,56m用0.45%镍。


Recharge 董事总经理Brett Wallace表示,鉴于公司专注于铜,矿化是一个“惊喜”。


“我们也很高兴在逆循环预领孔和Salt Creek Shear附近的其他三个孔中存在高品位镍……当考虑到预领和钻石尾的连续性时,两个孔都超过100m 高度显着品位和较浅深度的镍。”

By Imelda Cotton

Imelda Cotton has over 20 years experience as a journalist and communications professional. She has spent the bulk of her career in the resources sector, having also worked directly with oil and gas majors and as a journalist covering a vast array of ASX listed companies within the resources, energy, science and health sectors.

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