Sayona 和 Piedmont 完成了 North American Lithium 项目的矿石给料试验

Sayona Mining Piedmont Lithium ASX SYA PLL trial ore feed North American Lithium project
NAL is owned by joint venture partners Sayona Mining and Piedmont Lithium and is expected to meet mounting domestic demand for lithium, which is a critical mineral for the production of lithium-ion batteries.

新兴生产商 Sayona Mining (ASX: SYA) 在其位于加拿大的 North American Lithium (NAL) 旗舰工厂的破碎厂完成了矿石进料试验。


本月早些时候,作为选矿厂调试过程的一部分,该公司将 400 吨锂辉石矿石送入工厂,运行前验证团队对自动化、电气和机械电路进行了检查和测试。



NAL 由合资伙伴 Sayona Mining(通过其子公司 Sayona Quebec 持有 75% 的股权)和 Piedmont Lithium (ASX: PLL)(25% 的股权加上 Sayona 的 15% 股权)所有。


NAL 的初始产量为每年约 220,000 吨 6% 的锂辉石精矿,相当于每年约 30,000 吨碳酸锂。


Sayona 总经理 Brett Lynch 对 NAL 项目团队在饲料试验方面取得的成就表示感谢。



Lynch 先生表示,截至 12 月底,该选矿厂的工程和施工已完成近 90%,所有关键设备均已获得环境许可。



“全球对锂的需求每周都在增加,NAL 投入生产以满足这一需求至关重要,”他说。


By Imelda Cotton

Imelda Cotton has over 20 years experience as a journalist and communications professional. She has spent the bulk of her career in the resources sector, having also worked directly with oil and gas majors and as a journalist covering a vast array of ASX listed companies within the resources, energy, science and health sectors.

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